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Log fields

type EVM_Event_Fields_Log {
if: EVM_Event_Filter
maximum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
minimum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
selectWhere: OLAP_Integer
): Int
maximum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
minimum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
selectWhere: OLAP_Integer
if: EVM_Event_Filter
): Int
minimum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
selectWhere: OLAP_Integer
if: EVM_Event_Filter
maximum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
): Int
if: EVM_Event_Filter
maximum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
minimum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
selectWhere: OLAP_Integer
): Int
if: EVM_Event_Filter
maximum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
minimum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
selectWhere: OLAP_BigInteger
): String
Signature: EVM_Event_Fields_Log_Signature
if: EVM_Event_Filter
maximum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
minimum: EVM_Event_CompareFields
selectWhere: OLAP_String
): String


EVM_Event_Fields_Log.EnterIndex ● Int scalar

EnterIndex value

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.EnterIndex.if ● EVM_Event_Filter input

Apply a condition to a metric calculation

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.EnterIndex.maximum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is maximum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.EnterIndex.minimum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is minimum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.EnterIndex.selectWhere ● OLAP_Integer input

Defines the condition to filter the results by the value of this metric

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.ExitIndex ● Int scalar

ExitIndex value

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.ExitIndex.maximum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is maximum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.ExitIndex.minimum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is minimum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.ExitIndex.selectWhere ● OLAP_Integer input

Defines the condition to filter the results by the value of this metric

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.ExitIndex.if ● EVM_Event_Filter input

Apply a condition to a metric calculation

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Index ● Int scalar

Index value

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Index.minimum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is minimum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Index.selectWhere ● OLAP_Integer input

Defines the condition to filter the results by the value of this metric

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Index.if ● EVM_Event_Filter input

Apply a condition to a metric calculation

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Index.maximum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is maximum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.LogAfterCallIndex ● Int scalar

LogAfterCallIndex value

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.LogAfterCallIndex.if ● EVM_Event_Filter input

Apply a condition to a metric calculation

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.LogAfterCallIndex.maximum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is maximum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.LogAfterCallIndex.minimum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is minimum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.LogAfterCallIndex.selectWhere ● OLAP_Integer input

Defines the condition to filter the results by the value of this metric

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Pc ● String scalar

Pc value

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Pc.if ● EVM_Event_Filter input

Apply a condition to a metric calculation

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Pc.maximum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is maximum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Pc.minimum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is minimum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Pc.selectWhere ● OLAP_BigInteger input

Defines the condition to filter the results by the value of this metric

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.Signature ● EVM_Event_Fields_Log_Signature object

Signature fields

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.SmartContract ● String scalar

SmartContract value

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.SmartContract.if ● EVM_Event_Filter input

Apply a condition to a metric calculation

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.SmartContract.maximum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is maximum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.SmartContract.minimum ● EVM_Event_CompareFields enum

Return value when the argument is minimum

EVM_Event_Fields_Log.SmartContract.selectWhere ● OLAP_String input

Defines the condition to filter the results by the value of this metric

Member Of

EVM_Event_Cube object