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Writing App.js Code

This code sets up a React component (App) that serves as the entry point for the application. It imports styles, the TVChartContainer component, and then renders the TVChartContainer component within a div with the class name "App."

Step-by-Step Guide​

1. Importing Styles​

// File: App.js

// Import the styles from the "App.css" file
import "./App.css";

This line imports the styles defined in the "App.css" file, presumably containing CSS rules for styling the components in this application.

2. Importing the TVChartContainer Component​

// File: App.js

// Import the TVChartContainer component from the "advanced_chart" file
import TVChartContainer from "./advanced_chart";

This line imports the TVChartContainer component from the "advanced_chart.js" file. This component is likely to be responsible for rendering an advanced chart using TradingView or a similar library.

3. Defining the App Component​

// File: App.js

// Define the functional component App
function App() {
// Return JSX that renders the TVChartContainer component
return (
<div className="App">
<TVChartContainer />

This section defines the App component, which is a functional component. It returns JSX that renders a div with the class name "App" and includes the TVChartContainer component.

4. Exporting the App Component​

// File: App.js

// Export the App component as the default export
export default App;