🗃️ Dex Trades
9 items
🗃️ Ethers Library
11 items
🗃️ NFT
8 items
🗃️ Balances
1 items
🗃️ Blocks
1 items
🗃️ SmartContract Calls
3 items
🗃️ Events
1 items
🗃️ Mempool API
1 items
🗃️ Transfers
4 items
🗃️ Arbitrum Chain Examples
8 items
📄️ Uniswap Trades on Ethereum
Uniswap is a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain that allows users to trade Ethereum-based tokens. Uniswap uses an automated market maker (AMM) model where trades are executed by a smart contract that pools liquidity from multiple parties and sets prices based on a mathematical algorithm.
🗃️ Transactions
1 items
🗃️ Cross Chain API
1 items
🗃️ BSC
6 items
🗃️ Base
6 items
🗃️ Polygon MATIC
4 items
🗃️ OpBNB
4 items
🗃️ Optimism
4 items
🗃️ Solana
24 items
🗃️ Tron
9 items
🗃️ Token Holders
1 items