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Historical Solana Data

Historical data for Solana has finally been added for the EAP option, where we are providing data as old as three months. However the options to use the historical data are quite limited and currently only works for the aggregate data on DEXTradeByTokens. In this section, we will see some working examples for the same.

Historical OHLC on Solana

This query returns the historical OHLC data for a given pair along with volume and number of trades in the given interval.

For this example the pair between the tokens listed below is considered.

  1. 6D7NaB2xsLd7cauWu1wKk6KBsJohJmP2qZH9GEfVi5Ui
  2. So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112
Solana(dataset: archive) {
orderBy: { descendingByField: "Block_Timefield" }
where: {
Trade: {
Currency: {
MintAddress: { is: "6D7NaB2xsLd7cauWu1wKk6KBsJohJmP2qZH9GEfVi5Ui" }
Side: {
Currency: {
MintAddress: { is: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112" }
PriceAsymmetry: { lt: 0.1 }
limit: { count: 10 }
) {
Block {
Timefield: Time(interval: { in: days, count: 1 })
volume: sum(of: Trade_Amount)
Trade {
high: Price(maximum: Trade_Price)
low: Price(minimum: Trade_Price)
open: Price(minimum: Block_Slot)
close: Price(maximum: Block_Slot)

Top 10 token traders

This query returns the all time top 10 token traders for a particular token, which is 6D7NaB2xsLd7cauWu1wKk6KBsJohJmP2qZH9GEfVi5Ui in this case.

query MyQuery {
Solana(dataset: combined) {
limit: { count: 10 }
orderBy: { descendingByField: "tokens" }
where: {
Trade: {
Currency: {
MintAddress: { is: "6D7NaB2xsLd7cauWu1wKk6KBsJohJmP2qZH9GEfVi5Ui" }
) {
Trade {
Account {
tokens: sum(of: Trade_Amount)
trades: count

Tokens Traded by an Account

This query returns the list of tokens traded by the wallet address over a period of time. The list is sorted by the amount of tokens traded, and returns token info such as mint address, name and symbol along with the total amount of tokens traded and the number of trades involving that token.

query MyQuery {
Solana(dataset: combined) {
orderBy: {descendingByField: "tokens"}
where: {Trade: {Account: {Owner: {is: "3CgvbiM3op4vjrrjH2zcrQUwsqh5veNVRjFCB9N6sRoD"}}}}
) {
Trade {
Currency {
tokens: sum(of: Trade_Amount)
trades: count

Change in Liquidity Over a Month

This query returns the change in liquidity for a particular token pair over the last month. For this example the parameters listed below are used.

  1. Primary Token - 6D7NaB2xsLd7cauWu1wKk6KBsJohJmP2qZH9GEfVi5Ui.
  2. Secondary Token - So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112,
  3. Pool Address - BSzedbEvWRqVksaF558epPWCM16avEpyhm2HgSq9WZyy
query MyQuery {
Solana(dataset: combined) {
where: {
Trade: {
Currency: {
MintAddress: { is: "6D7NaB2xsLd7cauWu1wKk6KBsJohJmP2qZH9GEfVi5Ui" }
Side: {
Currency: {
MintAddress: { is: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112" }
Market: {
MarketAddress: {
is: "BSzedbEvWRqVksaF558epPWCM16avEpyhm2HgSq9WZyy"
orderBy: { descendingByField: "Block_Timefield" }
limit: { count: 1 }
) {
tokenLiquidity: sum(
of: Trade_Amount
if: { Trade: { Side: { Type: { is: buy } } } }
wsolLiquidity: sum(
of: Trade_Side_Amount
if: { Trade: { Side: { Type: { is: sell } } } }
Block {
Timefield: Time(interval: { in: months, count: 1 })
Trade {
Market {

Video Tutorial for Querring Historical Solana Data