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Pools API

With the Pools API, developers can easily retrieve information about liquidity providers, trading volumes, fees, and other key metrics for a variety of different pools.

Latest pools for a specific DEX​

EVM(dataset: archive, network: eth) {
orderBy: { descending: Block_Number }
limit: { count: 10 }
where: {
Log: {
SmartContract: { is: "0x1f98431c8ad98523631ae4a59f267346ea31f984" }
Signature: { Name: { is: "PoolCreated" } }
) {
Log {
Signature {
Transaction {
Block {
Arguments {
Value {
... on EVM_ABI_Boolean_Value_Arg {
... on EVM_ABI_Bytes_Value_Arg {
... on EVM_ABI_BigInt_Value_Arg {
... on EVM_ABI_Address_Value_Arg {
... on EVM_ABI_String_Value_Arg {
... on EVM_ABI_Integer_Value_Arg {

You can find the query here


  • dataset: Specifies the dataset used for the query. In this case, it is set to "combined".
  • network: Specifies the network on which the query is executed. In this case, it is set to "eth".
  • where: A filter used to retrieve events related to the creation of a Uniswap V2 pool on the specified DEX. It is applied to both "Log" and "Signature" objects and uses the "is" operator to specify the smart contract address of the DEX and the name of the event signature respectively.
  • orderBy: Specifies the order in which the events are returned. In this case, it is ordered in descending order based on block number.
  • limit: Limits the number of events returned in the query. In this case, it is set to 10.

Returned Data

  • Log: Returns information about the log event, including the signature and the smart contract address.
  • Transaction: Returns information about the transaction in which the event occurred, including the transaction hash.
  • Block: Returns information about the block in which the event occurred, including the block number and the block timestamp.
  • Arguments: Returns the arguments associated with the event, including the token addresses and initial liquidity of the pool.

Based on the arguments used we can query the latest pools using this query below in the endpoint.

The query results will provide a list of the top 10 trending liquidity pools based on the number of unique buyers for the specified date. Each entry in the list includes the count of buyers and sellers, along with detailed information about the trading pair and the smart contract address.

You can find the query here

query MyQuery {
EVM(dataset: archive, network: eth) {
orderBy: {descendingByField: "Buyers"}
limit: {count: 10}
where: {Block: {Date: {is: "2024-03-22"}}}
) {
Buyers: count(distinct: Trade_Buy_Buyer)
Sellers: count(distinct: Trade_Buy_Seller)
Trade {
Dex {
Pair {

  • Buyers: Represents the count of unique addresses that have executed buy orders in a given pool.
  • Sellers: Represents the count of unique addresses that have executed sell orders in the same pool.
  • Trade:
    • Dex: Provides details about the decentralized exchange where the trade occurred.
      • Pair: Includes the name of the trading pair and the smart contract address associated with it.

Trade Stats for a particular Pool on a specific DEX​

Here's an example GraphQL query that retrieves the sum of sell amounts for trades between WETH and USDT made on the Uniswap V3 exchange .

query MyQuery {
EVM(dataset: archive, network: eth) {
where: {
Block: { Date: { after: "2023-03-12" } }
Trade: {
Dex: {
SmartContract: { is: "0x11b815efB8f581194ae79006d24E0d814B7697F6" }
} ##Uniswap V3 pool to exchange between WETH and USDT.
) {
sum(of: Trade_Sell_Amount)
Block {

You can find the query here


  • dataset : Specifies the dataset used for the query. In this case, it is set to "combined".
  • network : Specifies the network on which the query is executed. In this case, it is set to "eth".
  • where : A filter used to retrieve trades executed on the Uniswap V3 exchange for WETH and USDT within a specific time period. It is applied to both "Block" and "Trade" objects and uses the "after" operator to specify the start date of the time period. The "is" operator is used to specify the smart contract address of the Uniswap V3 pool used for the exchange.

Returned Data

  • sum : Calculates the sum of a specific field, which in this case is "Trade_Sell_Amount".
  • Block : Returns information about the block in which the trade was executed, including the date of the block in the "Date" subfield.

Tokens in the Pair​

If you have the address of a smart contract for a liquidity pool (aka a trading pair), and you want to find out which tokens are part of this pool, you can use the following query.

This query will provide you with information about the tokens used in the pool, including their name, symbol, smart contract address, and other details such as the token type (erc20 or erc1155) and much more.

You can run this query in our IDE to check out the results.

EVM(dataset: archive, network: arbitrum) {
limit: { count: 1, offset: 0 }
orderBy: { descending: Block_Time }
where: {
Trade: {
Dex: {
SmartContract: { is: "0xcda53b1f66614552f834ceef361a8d12a0b8dad8" }
) {
Trade {
Dex {
Pair {
Buy {
Currency {
Sell {
Currency {

Liquidity of a Pool​

The below query finds the liquidity of USDT-WBTC-WETH pool on Curve.Fi using the pool address 0xD51a44d3FaE010294C616388b506AcdA1bfAAE46. With this query we can get what tokens are in the pool and in what proportions in the pool. You can find the query here

query MyQuery {
EVM(dataset: archive, network: bsc) {
where: {BalanceUpdate: {Address: {is: "0xD51a44d3FaE010294C616388b506AcdA1bfAAE46"}}}
orderBy: {descendingByField: "balance"}
) {
Currency {
balance: sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount, selectWhere: {gt: "0"})
BalanceUpdate {

Get Liquidity of Multiple Pools​

The query fetches the balance updates for specified liquidity pool addresses on the BSC network. It returns the currency name, the sum of positive balance updates (which can be interpreted as the liquidity), and the address of each pool. It can be adapted for other EVM compatible networks by changing the network parameter.

You can find the query here

query MyQuery {
EVM(dataset: archive, network: bsc) {
where: {BalanceUpdate: {Address: {in: ["0xD51a44d3FaE010294C616388b506AcdA1bfAAE46","0x60594a405d53811d3bc4766596efd80fd545a270","0x88e6a0c2ddd26feeb64f039a2c41296fcb3f5640"]}}}
orderBy: {descendingByField: "balance"}
) {
Currency {
balance: sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount, selectWhere: {gt: "0"})
BalanceUpdate {

Returned Data

  • Currency.Name: The name of the currency in each liquidity pool.
  • balance: Represents the total liquidity in the pool, calculated as the sum of all positive balance updates.
  • BalanceUpdate.Address: The address of the liquidity pool.

Initial Liquidity, Current Liquidity and Trade Volume for a given pair​

The below query finds the inital liquidity, current liquidity and trade volume of USDT-WETH pool on Uniswap using the pool address 0x0d4a11d5eeaac28ec3f61d100daf4d40471f1852.

You can find the query here

EVM(dataset: archive, network: eth) {
Initial_liquidity: Transfers(
limit: {count: 2}
orderBy: {ascending: Block_Time}
where: {Transfer: {Receiver: {is: "0x0d4a11d5eeaac28ec3f61d100daf4d40471f1852"}}}
) {
Transaction {
Transfer {
Currency {
Current_liquidity: BalanceUpdates(
where: {BalanceUpdate: {Address: {is: "0x0d4a11d5eeaac28ec3f61d100daf4d40471f1852"}}, Currency: {SmartContract: {in: ["0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2", "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7"]}}}
orderBy: {descendingByField: "balance"}
) {
Currency {
balance: sum(of: BalanceUpdate_Amount, selectWhere: {gt: "0"})
BalanceUpdate {
volume: DEXTrades(
where: {Block: {Time: {since: "2023-12-28T10:01:55.000Z"}}, Trade: {Dex: {Pair: {SmartContract: {is: "0x0d4a11d5eeaac28ec3f61d100daf4d40471f1852"}}}}}
) {
token1_vol: sum(of: Trade_Buy_Amount)
token2_vol: sum(of: Trade_Sell_Amount)