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Building with WebSockets: Code Samples

This section provides examples of how to implement subscription queries in your code.

Implementation Example: Using WebSocket Using Python​

This example demonstrates how to use the gql library in Python to create a client that connects to a WebSocket endpoint, subscribes to a query, and prints the results. The script also uses the asyncio library to wait for results from the wss endpoint and all asynchronous operations.

import asyncio

from gql import Client, gql
from gql.transport.websockets import WebsocketsTransport

async def main():
transport = WebsocketsTransport(
headers={"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": "graphql-ws"})

await transport.connect()

# # Close the connection

async for result in transport.subscribe(
subscription MyQuery {
EVM(network: eth) {
count: Blocks {
Block {
print("Transport is already connected!")
await transport.close()

# Run the asyncio event loop

The transport.connect() function is used to establish a connection to the WebSocket server and start the subscription. Similarly, transport.close() is used to close the connection and stop the subscription.

Implementation Example:Using WebSocket Using JavaScript​

Open any online code editor and use this JavaScript code to use the websocket. Starting January you need to use OAuth to use the V2 APIs. Read more here

const { WebSocket, WebSocketServer } = require("ws");

const BITQUERY_WS_URL = "wss://";

const bitqueryConnection = new WebSocket(
headers: {
"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": "graphql-ws",
"Content-Type": "application/json",

bitqueryConnection.on("open", () => {
console.log("Connected to Bitquery.");

// Send initialization message
const initMessage = JSON.stringify({ type: "connection_init" });

// After initialization, send the actual subscription message
setTimeout(() => {
const message = JSON.stringify({
type: "start",
id: "1",
payload: {
query: `
subscription MyQuery {
EVM(network: eth) {
count: Blocks {
Block {

}, 1000);

bitqueryConnection.on("message", (data) => {
const response = JSON.parse(data);
if (response.type === "data") {
// Broadcast the data to all connected clients of your local server
console.log("Received data from Bitquery: ",;

// Close the connection after receiving data

bitqueryConnection.on("close", () => {
console.log("Disconnected from Bitquery.");

bitqueryConnection.on("error", (error) => {
console.error("WebSocket Error:", error);

This script opens a WebSocket connection to the streaming API, sends an initialization message, starts a subscription with a GraphQL query, handles incoming data, and then closes the connection after data is received.

The WebSocket connection is managed using a series of event handlers:

To start the WebSocket connection, we use the open event. To stop or close the WebSocket connection, we use the close method. The message event is used for handling incoming data. Errors during the process are handled by the error event.

  • Start Connection: The connection is started or opened when bitqueryConnection.on("open", () => {...}) is triggered. This event is fired when the WebSocket connection is established successfully. Inside this event handler, an initialization message (connection_init) is first sent to the server, followed by the actual subscription message (start) after a delay of 1 second.

  • Stop Connection: The connection is stopped or closed when bitqueryConnection.close(); is called. In the given code, this happens within the message event handler, right after data is received from the server. This means that the WebSocket connection closes immediately after receiving the first batch of data.

  • Also, when the connection is closed either due to calling bitqueryConnection.close(); or due to some network error or server-side closure, the close event is fired.

Please note that this is a basic implementation of starting and stopping a WebSocket connection. Depending on your application's needs, you might want to add more logic to manage the connection, handle errors, or deal with different types of data.