📄️ Aliases
Aliases is a part of the GraphQL standard
📄️ Count
📄️ Count Distinct
📄️ Conditional Metrics
Metrics have `if` attribute to define the condition for metric execution.
📄️ Using Metrics
Use metrics if you want to:
📄️ Price Asymmetry
In this section, we will see how to use the PriceAsymmetry metric to filter results based on Price.
📄️ Select By Metric
Metric value can be used to filter out the result by `selectIf` attribute to
📄️ Statistics
Over One Variable
📄️ Sum
📄️ Uniq
The uniq function is used to estimate the count of unique values in a dataset. It's particularly useful for analyzing large datasets where an exact count may not be necessary or where performance is a concern. Below is an example query using the uniq function within the context of EVM TokenHolders API to get the number of unique token holders for a specific token on a given date.
📄️ Quantile
Quantiles are useful in understanding the distribution of numerical data by dividing it into intervals.