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Solana Builder Terms Explanation

Dataset Parameters​

Solana API allows you to narrow down your results using these parameters:

  • archive: Archive dataset contains the data from the first (genesis) block up until the realtime dataset(not including).
  • realtime: Realtime dataset containing last set of blocks. Eg. only few hours recent data
  • combined: Combined dataset ( realtime and archive ).

Filter Parameters​

Solana API allows you to narrow down your results using these parameters:

  • limit: Limit the results to a specified number.
  • limitBy: Limit results based on a specific field's value.
  • orderBy: Order results according to a field's value.
  • where: Filter results based on specific criteria related to the value of the returned field.

BalanceUpdate API Terms​

  • Account: The specific Solana account that the balance update pertains to.
  • Amount: The quantity of tokens that were added to or subtracted from the account.
  • AmountInUSD: AmountInUSD will always be calculated based on the USD value of an asset pulled from centralized exchanges. If it is 0, it means we don't have a USD value. In such cases, you can use counterparty AmountInUSD. For example, if token A is traded against WSOL, and we are showing 0 for token A's AmountInUSD, it means we don't have token A's USD value, but you can use the AmountInUSD of WSOL.
  • Currency: The type of token or cryptocurrency involved in the balance update.
  • PostBalance: The account's balance after the update has been applied.
  • PostBalanceInUSD: The equivalent value of the PostBalance in US dollars at the time of the transaction.
  • PreBalance: The account's balance before the update was applied.
  • PreBalanceInUSD: The equivalent value of the PreBalance in US dollars at the time of the transaction.

Block API Terms​

  • Date: The specific date on which a block was created or recorded on the Solana blockchain.
  • Hash: A unique identifier generated from the block's data, ensuring data integrity and security.
  • Height: The position of a block in the blockchain, indicating its order relative to other blocks.
  • ParentHash: The unique identifier (hash) of the preceding block in the blockchain, linking the current block to its parent.
  • ParentSlot: The slot number of the block that precedes the current block, used to maintain the order of blocks.
  • RewardsCount: The number of rewards transactions included in a block, often related to staking or validation rewards.
  • Slot: A specific time interval in which a block is proposed and validated on the Solana network.
  • Time: The precise timestamp when the block was created, recorded in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  • TxCount: The total number of transactions included within a specific block on the Solana blockchain.

DEXOrders API​

DEX Orders API contains Order field in OrderEvent Field which has below attributes:

  • Account: The Solana account initiating the order.
  • BuySide: Indicates whether the order is a buy (true) or sell (false).
  • LimitAmount: The maximum quantity of the asset to be traded.
  • LimitAmountInUSD: The maximum trade amount expressed in USD.
  • LimitPrice: The price per unit of the asset specified in the order.
  • LimitPriceInUSD: The price per unit of the asset specified in USD.
  • Mint: The specific token mint address for the asset being traded.
  • OrderID: A unique identifier for the order.
  • Owner: The owner of the order, typically the Solana wallet address.
  • Payer: The Solana account responsible for paying transaction fees.

DEXTradeByTokens API​

DEXTradeByTokens API gives us trades wrt a token pair. Trade{Currency} is first currency and details just before side are for this first currency. Whereas details such as Account, Amount, Price, PriceInUSD, etc inside side are for side currency. Side also has type field which tells us if its a buy trade or a sell trade. The type is wrt the pool and side currency.

DEXTradeByTokens API contains Trade field which has below attributes:

  • Account: The unique identifier for the wallet involved in the trade.
  • Amount: The quantity of tokens traded.
  • AmountInUSD: The value of the traded tokens in US dollars.
  • Currency: The name of the token being traded.
  • DEX: This contains ProtocolName, ProtocolFamily, ProgramAddress. Here, Protocol or Program refers to DEX.
  • Index: The position number of the trade within a sequence.
  • Market: The address of the trading pair or market.
  • Price: The rate at which this currency is exchanged for the side currency.
  • PriceInUSD: The token's price in US dollars
  • Side: Specifies the account address, side currency, amount, type etc.

DEXTrades API​

Using DEXTrades API, you will be able to get the trades and will easily be able to bifurcate according to buyside and sellside.

  • Buy: Details of the buy side of the trade.
    • Amount: Quantity of tokens bought.
    • AmountInUSD: Equivalent value of tokens bought in USD.
    • Price: Price at which tokens were bought.
    • PriceInUSD: Price of bought tokens in USD.
    • Account
      • Address: Address of the buyer's account.
    • Currency: Details such as name, symbol, program address(mint address) of the bought Currency.
  • Dex: Details of the decentralized exchange.
    • ProgramAddress: Address of the DEX program.
    • ProtocolFamily: Family of the DEX protocol.
    • ProtocolName: Name of the DEX protocol.
  • Market
    • MarketAddress: Address of the trading pair or market.
  • Sell: Details of the sell side of the trade.
    • Account
      • Address: Address of the seller's account.
    • Amount: Quantity of tokens sold.
    • AmountInUSD: Equivalent value of tokens sold in USD.
    • Price: Price at which tokens were sold.
    • PriceInUSD: Price of sold tokens in USD.
    • Currency: Details such as name, symbol, program address(mint address) of the bought Currency.

Instructions API​

Instructions API contains Trade field which has below attributes:

  • Accounts: Details about the accounts involved, including address, writable status, token mint, owner, and program ID.
  • AncestorIndexes: Indexes of ancestor instructions in the call path.
  • BalanceUpdatesCount: The number of balance updates associated with the instruction.
  • CallPath: The sequence of calls leading to the instruction.
  • CallerIndex: Index of the calling instruction.
  • Data: Raw data of the instruction.
  • Logs: Execution logs generated by the instruction.
  • InternalSeqNumber: Internal sequence number of the instruction.
  • Index: Position number of the instruction within the transaction.
  • ExternalSeqNumber: External sequence number of the instruction.
  • Depth: Depth of the instruction in the call stack.
  • TokenBalanceUpdatesCount: Number of token balance updates triggered by the instruction.
  • Program: Information about the program, including parsed details, name, JSON, arguments, address, and account names. The Accounts addresses that we got above with Accounts{Address} are the addresses mapped directly to these AccountNames.

Rewards API​

Rewards API contains Trade field which has below attributes:

  • Address: The wallet address receiving the reward.
  • Amount: The quantity of tokens rewarded.
  • AmountInUSD: The value of the rewarded tokens in US dollars.
  • CommissionInUSD: The commission earned in US dollars.
  • Commission: The commission percentage earned.
  • RewardType: The type or category of the reward.
  • PostBalanceInUSD: The wallet balance after receiving the reward in US dollars.
  • PostBalance: The wallet balance after receiving the reward in tokens.
  • Index: The position or sequence number of the reward entry.

Transactions API​

Transactions API contains Trade field which has below attributes:

  • Address: The address of an account involved in the transaction.
  • IsWritable: Indicates whether the account can be modified in the transaction.
  • ProgramId: The identifier of the program associated with a token.
  • Mint: Token Program Address.
  • BalanceUpdatesCount: Number of changes in token balances during the transaction.
  • Fee: The fee paid for executing the transaction.
  • FeeInUSD: The equivalent fee amount in US dollars.
  • FeePayer: The account responsible for paying the transaction fee.
  • RecentBlockhash: The hash of the recent block involved in the transaction.
  • InstructionsCount: Number of instructions in the transaction.
  • Index: The position or sequence number of the transaction.
  • Signature: The digital signature of the transaction.
  • Success: Indicates whether the transaction was successful.
  • ErrorMessage: Details of any error encountered during the transaction.
  • Signer: The account that signed the transaction.
  • TokenBalanceUpdatesCount: Number of changes in token balances due to the transaction.

Transfers API​

Transfers API contains Trade field which has below attributes:

Amount: The quantity of tokens transferred. AmountInUSD: The equivalent value of the transferred tokens in US dollars. Authority: The wallet address that authorized the transfer. Index: The sequential number or position of the transfer event. Currency: Details about the token transferred, including its name, mint address, and metadata address, etc. Receiver: The recipient's wallet address and ownership details of the received tokens. Sender: The sender's wallet address and ownership details of the transferred tokens.

Currency field Terms Explained​

Currency has many attributes. It can be a fungible token or non-fungible token(NFT). So it needs an altogether different explaination of its terms-

  • CollectionAddress: Collection address of the NFT, if the currency is an NFT.
  • Decimals: Number of decimals for the token's precision.
  • EditionNonce: Nonce used to derive the edition account address.
  • Wrapped: Indicates if the token is wrapped or not.
  • VerifiedCollection: Indicates if the token's collection is verified.
  • Uri: URI associated with the token.
  • UpdateAuthority: Authority allowed to update the token.
  • TokenStandard: Standard or protocol governing the token.
  • TokenCreator:
    • Verified: Indicates if the token creator is verified.
    • Share: Share of the token creator.
    • Address: Address of the token creator.
  • Symbol: Symbol representing the token.
  • SellerFeeBasisPoints: Basis points of the seller's fee.
  • ProgramAddress: Address of the program managing the token.
  • PrimarySaleHappened: Indicates if the primary sale has occurred.
  • Native: Indicates if the token is native to the blockchain.
  • Name: Name of the token.
  • MintAddress: Token Program Address.
  • IsMutable: Indicates if the token is mutable.
  • Fungible: Indicates if the token is fungible.