Crypto Coin Ticker API
You can build your crypto coin ticker using our DEX APIs based on the requirements of the data field. Also, you can set any time interval you need. Let's see an example. In this example, we are getting the WETH price against USDT on Ethereum blockchain, aggregating different DEXs.
Open this API on our GraphQL IDE.
EVM(dataset: realtime) {
orderBy: {descendingByField: "Block_Timefield"}
where: {Trade: {Side: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7"}}}, Currency: {SmartContract: {is: "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2"}}, PriceAsymmetry: {lt: 0.1}}}
) {
Block {
Timefield: Time(interval: {in: minutes, count: 10})
lastTradeTime: Time(maximum: Block_Time)
FirstTradeTime: Time(minimum: Block_Time)
LastTradeBlock: Number(maximum: Block_Number)
FirstTradeBlock: Number(minimum: Block_Number)
volume: sum(of: Trade_Amount)
Trade {
Currency {
Side {
Currency {
high: Price(maximum: Trade_Price)
low: Price(minimum: Trade_Price)
open: Price(minimum: Block_Number)
close: Price(maximum: Block_Number)
We are getting OHLC (Open High Low Close) data, with the last trade details on 10-minute intervals. You can change this interval like the following.
- Time(interval: {in: minutes, count: 5})
- Time(interval: {in: seconds, count: 10})
- Time(interval: {in: hours, count: 3})
- Time(interval: {in: days, count: 14})
- Time(interval: {in: weeks, count: 3})
- Time(interval: {in: months, count: 1})
- Time(interval: {in: years, count: 2})
You can also add additional information if you want; there are many more fields available.