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Add-Liquidity Signals Telegram Bot

This bot fetches real-time data on added liquidity for Solana DEX pools and sends alerts via Telegram. It highlights key details such as added liquidity, post-liquidity amounts, and provides direct trading links.

Github Repository Link - here

Tutorial Video​


  • Monitors added liquidity for Solana DEX pools in real-time.
  • Sends detailed updates on:
    • Base and Quote currencies.
    • Added liquidity and post-liquidity values.
    • DEX protocol details.
  • Includes "Trade Now" links for immediate trading actions.
  • Handles Telegram message length limitations with intelligent splitting.
  • Periodically fetches updates (default: every 30 minutes).


  1. Python 3.8+ installed on your system.
  2. Telegram Bot Token from BotFather.
  3. Bitquery API Token for accessing Solana liquidity data. Get your API token here.


  1. Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory:

    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install python-telegram-bot aiohttp
  3. Replace Bot token and OAuth Token values in the file with your own tokens. Get the BOT_TOKEN from Bot father and Bitquery OAuth token using these steps:

  4. Start the bot:

  5. Use the /start command in your Telegram chat with the bot to begin monitoring Solana pools with liquidity additions.

How It Works​

  1. Real-Time Monitoring:

    • The bot queries the Bitquery API every 30 minutes for liquidity data from Solana DEX pools.
    • Fetches and formats data for pools with added liquidity in the last 5 minutes.
  2. Data Formatting:

    • Extracts details about:
      • Base and Quote Currencies: Names, symbols, and mint addresses.
      • Liquidity Information: Added liquidity and post-liquidity values.
      • Protocol Details: Protocol family and name.
    • Includes direct "Trade Now" links for each pool.
  3. Message Splitting:

    • Automatically splits long messages exceeding Telegram's character limit (4096 characters).
    • Handles Telegram's flood control by waiting and retrying if rate limits are exceeded.

Code Walkthrough​

1. Configuration​

  • BOT_TOKEN: Your Telegram bot token from BotFather.
  • OAUTH_TOKEN: Your Bitquery API token for accessing Solana DEX data.
  • Logging: Configures logging to track bot operations and errors.

2. Helper Functions​

  • split_text(text, max_length):
    • Splits long messages into smaller parts to adhere to Telegram's 4096-character limit.
  • send_long_message(update, context, message_generator):
    • Sends long messages as multiple parts.
    • Handles Telegram’s flood control by retrying after delays.

3. GraphQL Query​

  • Queries the Bitquery API for Solana DEX pools with recently added liquidity:
    • Filters for pools with added liquidity (ChangeAmount > 0).
    • Retrieves market details, added liquidity, and post-liquidity values.
    • Limits results to the top 10 pools based on the Block_Time.

4. Core Functions​

  • send_query_and_process(update, context):

    • Sends the GraphQL query to the API and processes the response.
    • Formats the data into a user-friendly message using format_message().
    • Sends the formatted messages to the Telegram chat.
  • format_message(data):

    • Processes the API response data to extract:
      • Base and quote currency details.
      • Added liquidity and post-liquidity values.
      • Protocol information and trading links.
    • Constructs HTML-formatted Telegram messages.
    • Splits messages if they exceed the character limit.

5. Task Management​

  • Global Flag (is_task_running):

    • Prevents multiple instances of the periodic task from running simultaneously.
  • start_regular_requests(update, context):

    • Continuously fetches and sends updates every 30 minutes.
    • Handles errors gracefully and ensures the global flag resets on task completion.

6. Command Handlers​

  • /start Command:
    • Initializes the bot and starts the periodic task for fetching liquidity updates.

7. Main Execution​

  • Initializes the Telegram bot using the ApplicationBuilder from python-telegram-bot.
  • Adds the /start command handler to the bot.
  • Runs the bot with polling to listen for incoming commands.