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Building the Chart

Create a file called advanced_chart.js that will have a React component that acts as a container for a TradingView charting widget.

Step-by-Step Guide​

1. Importing Dependencies and Datafeed​

import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { widget } from "./charting_library";
import Datafeed from "./datafeed_custom";

This section imports necessary dependencies such as React's useEffect and useRef, as well as the widget from the charting library and the Datafeed module for providing chart data.

2. Defining the TVChartContainer Component​

const TVChartContainer = () => {
const chartContainerRef = useRef();

useEffect(() => {
const widgetOptions = {
// Configuration options for the TradingView widget
// ... (Continues below)

// Creating a new TradingView widget instance
const tvWidget = new widget(widgetOptions);

// Cleaning up when the component unmounts
return () => {
}, []);

// Returning a div to hold the chart with a reference to chartContainerRef
return <div ref={chartContainerRef} style={{ height: '700px', backgroundColor: 'black' }} />;

export default TVChartContainer;

This TVChartContainer component is a functional component that uses React's hooks (useEffect and useRef). It creates a reference to a div element (chartContainerRef) that will hold the TradingView chart. The useEffect hook is used to initialize the TradingView widget when the component mounts and clean up resources when it unmounts.

3. Widget Configuration and Initialization​

// Inside the useEffect hook
const widgetOptions = {
// Configuration options for the TradingView widget
symbol: "USDT",
datafeed: Datafeed,
container: chartContainerRef.current,
library_path: "/charting_library/",
interval: "5",
// ... (Continues below)

// Creating a new TradingView widget instance with specified options
const tvWidget = new widget(widgetOptions);

This section creates configuration options for the TradingView widget. It specifies parameters such as the symbol, data feed, container element, library path, interval, theme, and various customization options for the chart.

4. Cleanup on Component Unmount​

// Inside the useEffect hook
return () => {
// Removing the TradingView widget when the component unmounts

This section ensures that when the TVChartContainer component unmounts, it removes the TradingView widget instance, preventing memory leaks or conflicts.