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3 posts tagged with "new capability"

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· One min read
  • We are excited to announce the introduction of USD pricing for V2 and EAP chains, a feature many of you have eagerly awaited. You can query USD price now as shown below.

We have a 3-minute candle data based on token trading volume on centralized exchanges, so we refresh the USD price every 3 minutes.

subscription {
Solana {
DEXTrades(where: {
Trade: {
PriceAsymmetry: {
le: 0.5
}) {
Block {
Trade {
Buy {
Currency {Symbol}
Sell {
Currency {Symbol}

Check more examples in Examples section

  • Taking insights from our V1 APIs, we've introduced an improved price asymmetry metric to filter outliers on EAP chains. Read more here

If you're new to this space, read more about the Early Access Program(EAP) here

· One min read
Aleksey Studnev

The following changes applied to the schema:

  1. trigger_on attribute for subscription default value set now to all. 2Transaction_Time field for mempool Transaction now returns the transaction time not in numeric, but in ISO8601 format up to 1 nanosecond ( 9 digits after the seconds ),
