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Array Intersection

The array_intersect feature is an advanced query format that generates an intersection of addresses from specified datasets. You can use the where clause to introduce filters that refine your results according to desired criteria. The output is a list of addresses that share a common link to the two datasets.

In the following section, we'll explore how to use array_intersect to reveal the associations between pairs of addresses or contracts.


array_intersect(side1: side1, side2: side2, intersectWith: array)


  • side1: The first array that you want to compare.
  • side2: The second array that you want to compare.
  • intersectWith: The array containing elements to be used for intersection with the first two arrays.


  • Applicable only to fields with a string data type.
  • The function can retrieve only addresses when returning the response; other response fields are not supported in the output.


Suppose you have an array of two addresses ( A and B ) and want to identify which addresses have engaged in transactions with both Contract A and Contract B. By passing these arrays to array_intersect, the function will return an array of addresses that interacted with both contracts.

query($addresses: [String!]) {
EVM(dataset: archive){
where: {
any: [
Transfer: {Sender: {in: $addresses} Receiver: {notIn: $addresses}}

Transfer: {Receiver: {in: $addresses} Sender: {notIn: $addresses}}

) {

side1: Transfer_Sender
side2: Transfer_Receiver
intersectWith: $addresses

<!-- Parameters -->
"addresses": ["0x21743a2efb926033f8c6e0c3554b13a0c669f63f","0x107f308d85d5481f5b729cfb1710532500e40217"]

This query will return a response in this format ; as an array consisting of elements found in both side1 and side2 that have interacted with all the addresses in the intersectWith array. If no common elements are detected, the result will be an empty array.

"EVM": {
"Transfers": [
"array_intersect": [