📄️ Crypto Dashboard Project
The following tutorial helps build a Cryptocurrency Portfolio Dashboard with React that fetches and displays the balance of different currencies for a given Ethereum address using the Bitquery Streaming API.
📄️ Building dApps with the Streaming API
The Streaming API is useful for a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps), including those that require real-time pricing, transaction data, token balances, and trading data and so on.
📄️ Tutorial: Creating a Discord Bot to Fetch Price Data
In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a Discord bot using the discord.js library. The bot will fetch price data using the dextrades API and respond to a specific command in a Discord server.
📄️ Get Blockchain Data on Telegram Chat in Real-Time
With this code, your Telegram bot will respond to the /start command by initiating a WebSocket connection to Bitquery and sending blockchain data updates to the Telegram chat.
📄️ Dashboard : Top 10 Ethereum Token Pairs
The following tutorial helps build a Top 10 Ethereum Tokens Dashboard with Next JS and Bitquery APIs that fetches and displays the Top 10 Token Pairs in last 1 hour on Ethereum mainnet in desceneding order of number of transactions.