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EVM Builder Terms Explanation

Dataset Parameters​

EVM API allows you to narrow down your results using these parameters:

  • archive: Archive dataset contains the data from the first (genesis) block up until the realtime dataset(not including).
  • realtime: Realtime dataset containing last set of blocks. Eg. only few hours recent data
  • combined: Combined dataset ( realtime and archive ).

Mempool Parameter​

  • mempool - The mempool in EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) is a temporary storage area where pending transactions are held before being included in a block by miners.

Network Parameter​

  • network - Through network field you can select EVM based network such as bsc, arbitrum, eth , and etc available on Bitquery.

Filter Parameters​

EVM API allows you to narrow down your results using these parameters:

  • limit: Limit the results to a specified number.
  • limitBy: Limit results based on a specific field's value.
  • orderBy: Order results according to a field's value.
  • where: Filter results based on specific criteria related to the value of the returned field.

BalanceUpdate API Terms​

  • Address: The wallet address where the balance update occurred.
  • Amount: The quantity of token involved in the balance update.
  • AmountInUSD: AmountInUSD will always be calculated based on the USD value of an asset pulled from centralized exchanges. If it is 0, it means we don't have a USD value.
  • Id: The unique identifier for the balance update event.
  • Type: The nature of the balance update, such as transfer or block_reward.
  • URI: The link to additional information or metadata about the balance update.

Blocks API Terms​

  • BaseFee: The minimum gas price for transactions in the block.
  • BaseFeeInUSD: The equivalent base fee value in US dollars.
  • Hash: The unique identifier for the block.
  • GasUsed: The total gas consumed by all transactions in the block.
  • GasLimit: The maximum amount of gas that can be used by all transactions in the block.
  • Extra: Additional data included in the block.
  • Difficulty: The complexity level of the block mining process.
  • Date: The timestamp of when the block was mined.
  • Coinbase: The address of the miner who mined the block.
  • Bloom: A data structure for quickly checking the presence of a particular log entry.
  • MixDigest: A unique value from the proof-of-work algorithm.
  • UnclesCount: The number of uncle blocks included in this block.
  • UncleHash: The hash of the uncle blocks.
  • TxHash: The hash of the transactions included in the block.
  • TxCount: The number of transactions in the block.
  • Time: The exact time when the block was mined.
  • Root: The root hash of the state trie.
  • Result: Contains details about gas used and any errors encountered.
  • ReceiptHash: The hash of the transaction receipts.
  • ParentHash: The hash of the previous block.
  • Number: The unique number of the block in the blockchain.
  • Nonce: A value used to validate the block's proof-of-work.

Calls API Terms​


  • Index: The position of the argument within the function call.
  • Name: The name of the argument in the function call.
  • Value: The data value of the argument, which can be of various types such as boolean, bytes, big integer, address, string, or integer.
    • bool: A boolean value (true or false).
    • hex: A hexadecimal byte string.
    • bigInteger: A large integer value.
    • address: An Ethereum address.
    • string: A text string.
    • integer: A numerical integer value.
  • Type: The data type of the argument.
  • Path: The location of the argument in nested calls, including type, name, and index.


  • ValueInUSD: The value of the call in US dollars.
  • Value: The value transferred in the call.
  • To: The recipient address of the call.
  • Success: Indicates whether the call was successful.
  • Signature: Details about the function signature used in the call.
    • SignatureType: The type of the signature.
    • SignatureHash: The hash of the function signature.
    • Signature: The actual function signature.
    • Parsed: The parsed details of the signature.
    • Name: The name of the function.
    • Abi: The ABI (Application Binary Interface) details.
  • SelfDestruct: Indicates if the contract self-destructed during the call.
  • Reverted: Indicates if the call was reverted.
  • Output: The output data from the call.
  • Opcode: The operation code details.
    • Name: The name of the opcode.
    • Code: The numeric code of the opcode.
  • LogCount: The number of logs generated by the call.
  • InternalCalls: Details about calls made within the current call.
  • Input: The input data for the call.
  • Index: The position of the call within a block or transaction.
  • GasUsed: The amount of gas used by the call.
  • Gas: The gas limit for the call.
  • From: The sender address of the call.
  • CallPath: The sequence of calls leading to the current call.
  • CallerIndex: The index of the caller within nested calls.
  • Create: Indicates if a new contract was created during the call.
  • ExitIndex: The exit position of the call.
  • Error: Details about any error that occurred during the call.
  • EnterIndex: The entry position of the call.
  • Depth: The depth of the call within nested calls.
  • Delegated: Indicates if the call was a delegated call.

DEXTradeByTokens API Terms​

DEXTradeByTokens API retrieves trade details for a token pair, distinguishing between the primary token (Trade{Currency}) and the side currency (Side{Currency}). The fields within each section provide specific trade-related information as follows:

DEXTradeByTokens API contains Trade field which has below attributes:

  • Trade
    • Amount: Quantity of tokens traded.
    • AmountInUSD: AmountInUSD will always be calculated based on the USD value of an asset pulled from centralized exchanges. If it is 0, it means we don't have a USD value. In such cases, you can use counterparty AmountInUSD. For example, if token A is traded against WETH, and we are showing 0 for token A's AmountInUSD, it means we don't have token A's USD value, but you can use the AmountInUSD of WETH.
    • Buyer: Address of the buyer.
    • Fees
      • Amount: Amount of fees paid.
      • AmountInUSD: Equivalent value of fees in USD.
    • Ids: IDs related to the trade.
    • OrderId: Identifier for the order.
    • Price: Price of Primary currency in the trade.
    • PriceAsymmetry: Asymmetry factor in token pricing.
    • PriceInUSD: Token price in USD.
    • Sender: Address of the sender.
    • Seller: Address of the seller.
    • Success: Indicates if the trade was successful.
    • Dex
      • Delegated: Indicates if the trade is delegated.
      • DelegatedTo: Address of the delegate.
      • OwnerAddress: Address of the owner.
      • SmartContract: DEX smart contract address.
      • ProtocolVersion: Version of the protocol.
      • ProtocolName: Name of the protocol.
      • Pair
        • Symbol: Symbol of the token pair.
        • SmartContract: Token Pair Smart contract address.
        • Name: Name of the token pair.
        • Decimals: Decimal places for token precision.
      • ProtocolFamily: Family of the protocol.
    • Currency
      • Name: Name of the currency.
      • Symbol: Symbol of the currency.
      • SmartContract: Currency smart contract address.
    • Side
      • URIs: Uniform Resource Identifiers related to the trade side.
      • Type: Type of the trade side (buy or sell).
      • Seller: Address of the seller.
      • OrderId: Identifier for the order related to the side.
      • Ids: IDs related to the trade side.
      • AmountInUSD:AmountInUSD will always be calculated based on the USD value of an asset pulled from centralized exchanges. If it is 0, it means we don't have a USD value. In such cases, you can use counterparty AmountInUSD. For example, if token A is traded against WETH, and we are showing 0 for token A's AmountInUSD, it means we don't have token A's USD value, but you can use the AmountInUSD of WETH.
      • Amount: Quantity of side tokens traded.
      • Currency: Side Currency Details.

DEXTrades API Terms​

Using DEXTrades API, you will be able to get the trades and will easily be able to bifurcate according to buyside and sellside. For your information this buy side and sell side is wrt to Liquidity Pool. For video explaination, watch this video.

  • Buy
    • Buyer: Address of the buyer of this bought currency. This is the pool address.
    • Seller: Address of the Seller of this bought currency.
    • Amount: Quantity of tokens bought.
    • Price: Price of the buy currency in the trade.
    • Currency: Sold Currency details such as Name, Symbol, Token Contract Address.
  • Sell
    • Buyer: Address of the buyer of this sold currency.
    • Seller: Address of the Seller of this sold currency. This is the pool address.
    • Amount: Quantity of tokens sold.
    • Currency: Sold Currency details such as Name, Symbol, Token Contract Address.
    • Price: Price of the sell currency in the trade.
  • Dex
    • ProtocolName: Name of the DEX protocol.
    • SmartContract: Smart contract address of the DEX.
    • ProtocolFamily: Family of the DEX protocol.
    • ProtocolVersion: Version of the DEX protocol.
    • Pair: Contains the liquidity pair details

Events API Terms​

  • Log: Detailed log information.
    • LogAfterCallIndex: Index after the call.
    • Index: Log index within the block.
    • ExitIndex: Index when exiting.
    • EnterIndex: Index when entering.
    • Pc: Program counter value.
    • Signature: Signature details of the log.
      • Abi: ABI of the signature.
      • Name: Name of the signature.
      • SignatureType: Type of the signature.
      • SignatureHash: Hash of the signature.
      • Signature: Full signature string.
      • Parsed: Indicates if the signature is parsed.
    • SmartContract: Indicates if the log involves a smart contract.
    • LogHeader: Header information of the log.
      • Removed: Indicates if the log is removed.
      • Index: Index of the log header.
      • Data: Data of the log.
      • Address: Address of the log.
    • Receipt: Transaction receipt details.
      • GasUsed: Amount of gas used by the transaction.
      • CumulativeGasUsed: Total gas used by the block.
      • ContractAddress: Address of the contract created.
      • Status: Status of the transaction.
      • Type: Type of the transaction.
    • Topics: Log topics.
      • Hash: Hash of the topic.

Transactions API Terms​

  • ValueInUSD: Value of the transaction in USD.
  • Value: Value of the transaction in cryptocurrency.
  • Type: Type of transaction (e.g., transfer, contract creation, contract creation).
  • To: Recipient address of the transaction.
  • Time: Timestamp of the transaction.
  • Protected: Indicates if the transaction is protected.
  • Nonce: Nonce value of the transaction.
  • Index: Index position of the transaction.
  • Hash: Hash of the transaction.
  • GasTipCap: Tip cap for gas.
  • GasPriceInUSD: Gas price in USD.
  • GasPrice: Gas price in cryptocurrency.
  • GasFeeCap: Fee cap for gas.
  • Gas: Amount of gas used.
  • From: Sender address of the transaction.
  • Data: Data associated with the transaction.
  • Cost: Cost of the transaction in cryptocurrency.
  • CostInUSD: Equivalent cost of the transaction in USD.
  • CallCount: Number of calls made in the transaction.

MinerRewards API Terms​

  • Reward: Details of the reward.
    • UncleInUSD: USD value of uncle rewards.
    • Uncle: Amount of uncle rewards.
    • TxFeesInUSD: USD value of transaction fees.
    • TxFees: Amount of transaction fees.
    • TotalInUSD: Total reward value in USD.
    • Total: Total reward amount.
    • StaticInUSD: USD value of static rewards.
    • Static: Amount of static rewards.
    • DynamicInUSD: USD value of dynamic rewards.
    • Dynamic: Amount of dynamic rewards.
    • BurntFeesInUSD: USD value of burnt transaction fees.
    • BurntFees: Amount of burnt transaction fees.

Transfers API Terms​

  • Transfers: Retrieves details of token transfers.
    • Transfer
      • Type: Type of transfer (e.g., token, transaction, call).
      • Success: Indicates if the transfer was successful.
      • Sender: Address of the sender.
      • Receiver: Address of the receiver.
      • Id: Identifier for the transfer.
      • Data: Additional data associated with the transfer.
      • Currency
        • Name: Name of the token transferred.
        • Symbol: Symbol of the token transferred.
      • Amount: Quantity of tokens transferred.
      • AmountInUSD: AmountInUSD will always be calculated based on the USD value of an asset pulled from centralized exchanges. If it is 0, it means we don't have a USD value.

Currency Field Attributes Explained​

  • Currency: Details about a token or asset.
    • Symbol: Symbol representing the token.
    • SmartContract: Token Program Address.
    • Name: Name of the token.
    • HasURI: Indicates if the currency has a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
    • Fungible: Indicates if the currency is fungible.
    • Decimals: Number of decimal places used to represent fractional amounts of the currency.