📄️ Complete Guide to Building the Perfect OHLCV Data Using Bitquery APIs
In this guide, we will see how to get OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) candlestick data—or K-Line data—across different blockchain networks using Bitquery APIs. We’ll also explore how to filter out bot trades, outliers, and abnormally high or low prices to ensure accurate OHLC calculations.
📄️ Mempool Transaction Fee Explorer
In the world of cryptocurrency, understanding transaction fees and their dynamics is crucial for traders, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts alike. Ethereum, one of the leading blockchain platforms, relies on a concept known as the "Mempool" to manage pending transactions and determine their associated fees.
📄️ Monitoring the Solana Blockchain in Real Time - Easy Tutorial
Monitoring blockchain activities is crucial for developers, investors, and regulatory bodies. Bitquery offers the infrastructure to monitor blockchain activities effectively. In this tutorial, we'll use Bitquery Solana real-time data and Python to build a real-time Solana DEX monitoring dashboard.
📄️ Monitoring Solana at Scale: Managing 100s of Addresses
This guide demonstrates how to monitor real-time token transfers and DEX trades for hundreds of blockchain addresses efficiently using WebSockets and Streamlit. Learn to dynamically track and display key transfer and trade details in a real-time dashboard.
📄️ Tutorial: How to Stream Moonshot Live Prices
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple React application to stream live prices from the Moonshot protocol using WebSocket and Bitquery's Moonshot APIs.
📄️ Build OHLC Values using DEX Trades Data
This script calculates OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) data for a particular Token Pair Solana-based trades by leveraging percentile filtering thus removing anomaly or bot trades. It fetches trading data from the Bitquery API and processes it to compute the OHLC values for a specific trading pair.
📄️ How to Track Ethereum Price in USD with Google Sheets
Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use Bitquery APIs to get token price information into a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Python.
🗃️ Real-Time Balance Checker
3 items
🗃️ P&L Calculator
2 items