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Complete Guide to Building the Perfect OHLCV Data Using Bitquery APIs

In this guide, we will see how to get OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) candlestick data—or K-Line data—across different blockchain networks using Bitquery APIs. We’ll also explore how to filter out bot trades, outliers, and abnormally high or low prices to ensure accurate OHLC calculations.

Intervals in OHLC

Bitquery’s OHLC APIs support multiple time intervals, including minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. You can specify the desired interval in the response field, as shown in the example below:

Block {
Time(interval: {count: 1, in: minutes})
Block {
Time(interval: {count: 1, in: hours})
Block {
Time(interval: {count: 1, in: days})
Block {
Time(interval: {count: 1, in: weeks})
Block {
Time(interval: {count: 1, in: months})

and so on.

OHLC on EVM Chains

To fetch OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) data for a specific token pair on EVM-compatible chains like Ethereum, you can use Bitquery’s DEXTradesbyTokensAPI. Supported networks include:

  • EthereumEVM(network: eth)
  • BNB ChainEVM(network: bsc)
  • Polygon (Matic)EVM(network: matic)
  • ArbitrumEVM(network: arbitrum)
  • BaseEVM(network: base)
  • OptimismEVM(network: optimism)

For full API documentation, refer to:
Get OHLC Data for a Particular Token Pair.

Sample Query

The following GraphQL query retrieves OHLCV data for an Ethereum token pair:

query tradingViewPairs {
EVM(network: eth) {
orderBy: { ascendingByField: "Block_Time" }
where: {
Trade: {
Side: {
Amount: { gt: "0" }
Currency: {
SmartContract: {
is: "0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599"
Currency: {
SmartContract: { is: "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7" }
PriceAsymmetry: { lt: 0.5 }
) {
Block {
Time(interval: { count: 5, in: minutes })
Trade {
open: PriceInUSD(minimum: Block_Number)
close: PriceInUSD(maximum: Block_Number)
max: PriceInUSD(maximum: Trade_PriceInUSD)
min: PriceInUSD(minimum: Trade_PriceInUSD)
volume: sum(of: Trade_Side_Amount)

OHLC on Non-EVM Chains

Bitquery also supports non-EVM chains, such as Solana and Tron, enabling you to retrieve OHLC data for these networks.

OHLC on Solana

For a detailed guide, visit:
Historical OHLC on Solana.

Sample Query

Solana(dataset: combined) {
orderBy: { descendingByField: "Block_Timefield" }
where: {
Trade: {
Currency: {
MintAddress: { is: "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN" }
Side: {
Currency: {
MintAddress: { is: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112" }
PriceAsymmetry: { lt: 0.1 }
limit: { count: 10 }
) {
Block {
Timefield: Time(interval: { in: days, count: 1 })
volume: sum(of: Trade_Amount)
Trade {
high: Price(maximum: Trade_Price)
low: Price(minimum: Trade_Price)
open: Price(minimum: Block_Slot)
close: Price(maximum: Block_Slot)

OHLC on Tron

For details, visit:
OHLC Data on Tron.

Sample Query

query tradingViewPairs {
Tron {
orderBy: { ascendingByField: "Block_Time" }
where: {
Trade: {
Side: {
Amount: { gt: "0" }
Currency: {
SmartContract: { is: "TNUC9Qb1rRpS5CbWLmNMxXBjyFoydXjWFR" }
Currency: {
SmartContract: { is: "TJ9mxWPmQSJswqMakEehFWcAntg73odiAq" }
PriceAsymmetry: { lt: 0.1 }
) {
Block {
Time(interval: { count: 5, in: minutes })
Trade {
open: PriceInUSD(minimum: Block_Number)
close: PriceInUSD(maximum: Block_Number)
max: PriceInUSD(maximum: Trade_PriceInUSD)
min: PriceInUSD(minimum: Trade_PriceInUSD)
volume: sum(of: Trade_Side_Amount)

Real-time OHLC

In EVM and non-EVM chains you can also use subscription to get a high-low value of a token pair.

Take this query below for example;

subscription LatestTrades {
Solana {
where: {Transaction: {Result: {Success: true}}, Trade: {Side: {Amount: {gt: "0"}, Currency: {MintAddress: {is: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"}}}, Currency: {MintAddress: {is: "AZyBFqNp2G7eVsyEKwYyWJnMgj2wcxxJA2ftQDqQpump"}}}}
) {
min: quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.05)
max: quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.95)
volume: sum(of: Trade_Side_AmountInUSD)
Block {
Transaction {
Trade {
Market {
Dex {
Side {
close: PriceInUSD
Side {
Currency {

This GraphQL subscription query is fetching real-time OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) data for Solana trades by continuously monitoring and streaming the latest trades.

Calculating OHLC-Like Metrics

  • min5th percentile price (quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.05))
    • What is the price of the token for lowest 5% of the trades?
  • max95th percentile price (quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.95))
    • What is the price of the token for top 5% of the trades?
  • close → The latest trade price (PriceInUSD).
  • volume → Total trade volume in USD (sum(of: Trade_Side_AmountInUSD)) over the interval.
  1. Streaming the Data Continuously:

    • Because this is a subscription, every time a new trade happens on Solana for this token pair, the latest price data is sent.
    • The latest closing price (close) is updated dynamically as new trades occur.

Why This Is "Real-Time" OHLC?

  • The query continuously monitors the latest trades on Solana.
  • Each trade updates the latest close price (close).
  • The high (max) and low (min) prices adjust dynamically based on the last 50 trades.
  • It provides near real-time OHLC-like data without waiting for the full candle interval.


  • This is not true OHLC because:
    • It does not aggregate price data strictly by time intervals (e.g., every 5 min, 1h).
    • The open price (first trade of the interval) is missing.
    • It works based on a rolling window of the latest trades, not fixed time slots.

Filtering Abnormal Prices

When fetching trade data from Bitquery APIs, you may encounter abnormal prices. These anomalies occur due to two primary reasons:

  1. Legitimate but unusual trades – The data is correct (can be verified via an explorer like Etherscan), but bot activity may cause extreme price variations.
  2. Incorrect trade data in Bitquery’s database – If you suspect incorrect data, report the issue by creating a support ticket.

For a complete guide, visit:
How to Filter Anomalous Prices.

Methods to Filter Anomalous Trades

1. Using Price Asymmetry

  • Measures the USD value difference between traded tokens.
  • To filter extreme trades, use:
    { PriceAsymmetry: {lt: 0.1} }
    (This removes trades where the price difference exceeds 10%).
  • Additionally, remove low-value trades:
    { Trade: {AmountInUSD: {lt: "10"}} }

2. Using Quantiles

  • Quantiles divide data into percentiles, helping detect outliers.
  • Example:
    • 75th percentile (level: 0.75) → 75% of values are below this.
    • 25th percentile (level: 0.25) → 25% of values are below this.
  • To filter extreme values, keep trades only between the 5th and 95th percentiles.

For more details, check:
Quantile Documentation.

3. Fetch All Trades and Filter Manually

  • Retrieve all trade data from Bitquery.
  • Apply custom filters, such as:
    • Calculating the 5th and 95th percentiles of trade prices.
    • Keeping only trades within this range.

Checking and Reporting Incorrect OHLC Data

If your OHLC data differs significantly from other providers, you should:

  • Check if Price Asymmetry and other filters (as discussed above) are applied.
  • If there’s still a huge discrepancy, report the issue by creating a ticket at:
    Bitquery Support.

Example Scenario

For example if you check the OHLC for this token J3TqbUgHurQGNxWtT88UQPcMNVmrL875pToQZdrkpump again WSOL,

Take this query which includes both OHLC using maximum, minimum and using quantile and removes small trades using AmountinUSD >10 filter.

Solana(dataset: combined) {
orderBy: {descendingByField: "Block_Timefield"}
where: {Trade: {Currency: {MintAddress: {is: "J3TqbUgHurQGNxWtT88UQPcMNVmrL875pToQZdrkpump"}}, Side: {Currency: {MintAddress: {is: "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"}}, AmountInUSD: {gt: "10"}}}}
limit: {count: 10}
) {
Block {
Timefield: Time(interval: {in: days, count: 1})
volume: sum(of: Trade_Side_AmountInUSD)
min1: quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.05)
max1: quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.95)
close1: median(of: Trade_PriceInUSD)
open1: median(of: Trade_PriceInUSD)
Trade {
Currency {
high: PriceInUSD(maximum: Trade_Price)
low: PriceInUSD(minimum: Trade_Price)
open: PriceInUSD(minimum: Block_Slot)
close: PriceInUSD(maximum: Block_Slot)
Side {
Currency {

If you compare the results of the two, you see smoothening of spikes.

Example 1 (March 2, 2025)

  • Without quantile filtering:

    • high: 0.00043009940205914187 (Very high)
    • low: 0.00034041182935594274
  • With quantile filtering:

    • max1: 0.0004214320331811905 (Lower than raw high → filters extreme spike)
    • min1: 0.0003484918735921383 (Higher than raw low → removes low extremes)

Effect: The high (max1) and low (min1) values are adjusted to remove extreme spikes.

Example 2 (February 27, 2025)

  • Without quantile filtering:
    • close: 0.0003147996409415908
    • high: 0.00033683591504094873
    • low: 0.000254437945561626 (Low outlier)
    • open: 0.00030726648293986935
  • With quantile filtering:
    • close1: 0.0003042437473777681
    • max1: 0.00032312784204259514
    • min1: 0.00028326141997240487 (Higher than raw low, outlier removed)
    • open1: 0.0003042437473777681

Effect: The low (min1) is adjusted upwards, likely removing an extreme drop.

  • Smoothing high price spikes (max1 is lower than high)
  • Removing sharp downward price drops (min1 is higher than low)

Alternative: Calculating OHLC from Trades Without Aggregating in GraphQL Query

Limitations of the OHLC API

  • The Solana OHLC API includes data starting from May 2024 to now only.
  • While you can add filters as shown above to filter only valuable trades, it is not fool-proof and might not work with all tokens especially memecoins.

If you prefer not to use an aggregated GraphQL query, you can fetch raw trade data and manually compute OHLC values.

Complete guide to using trades to calculate OHLC is available here

Building TradingView Charts

To visualize OHLCV data using TradingView Advanced Chart Library, refer to: