📄️ Date and Time
📄️ Calculations
Attributes `maximum` `minimum` `where` can be appended to an element in query.
📄️ Combined Queries
Several queries can be combined and return results in one request:
📄️ Filtering
In most cases you do not need the full dataset, but just a portion, related to the
📄️ Limits
Results are limited by using attributes `limit` and `limitBy`
📄️ Query Aggregated Metrics
This is the most effective query.
📄️ Array Intersection
The array_intersect feature is an advanced query format that generates an intersection of addresses from specified datasets. You can use the where clause to introduce filters that refine your results according to desired criteria. The output is a list of addresses that share a common link to the two datasets.
📄️ Usage Patterns
GraphQL is a language, and the schema is just a restriction how do you use
📄️ Query Fact Records
This is the simplest type of query. You just define the attributes which you need in the results,
📄️ Subscription on Aggregated Metrics
It is a subscription to the results of Query Aggregated Metrics.
📄️ Subscription on Facts
It is a subscription to the results of Query Fact Records.
📄️ GraphQL query optimization for APIs
GraphQL is an open-source query language for APIs. It allows clients to define the required data structure, and the server responds with only that data. This allows for more efficient and flexible communication between the client and server, as well as enabling better performance and easier development of APIs.
📄️ How to Filter Abnormal Prices
You might see abnormal prices when you fetch data from Bitquery APIs. There can be two possibilities as to why these abnormal prices associated with trades are appearing in your API response.
📄️ Accessing Queries on Postman
You can run the queries and subscriptions on Postman as well. Below is the link to the collection:
📄️ Query Principles
You query the data using GraphQL language. Basically it
📄️ Sorting
Ordering can be applied to the results of the query, sorting the results in a way you define.