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NFT Analytics Dashboard - Tutorial

Marketplace Analysis​

Bitquery's queries can help NFT marketplace builders analyze the performance of different NFTs on various blockchain networks. By providing real-time data on transaction volume, and other key metrics, Bitquery can help builders optimize their marketplace's offerings and improve trading conditions for users.


This is a tutorial to build a NFT Dashboard using Python code that connects to the Bitquery API and retrieves data for a particular NFT on the Ethereum network. The code then displays the data on a user-friendly interface built using Python and Streamlit.

Required Libraries​

The code uses the following libraries:

streamlit: A Python library for building web apps and visualizations http.client: A Python library for making HTTP requests json: A Python library for working with JSON data pandas: A Python library for data manipulation and analysis

Step by Step Code Implementation​

Importing the Required Libraries​

The first step in the code is to import the required libraries using the import statement:

import streamlit as st
import http.client
import json
import pandas as pd

Establishing Connection with the Bitquery API​

Next, the code connects to the Bitquery API using the http.client library and retrieves data on NFT transactions for a specific contract on the Ethereum network using a GraphQL query. The query is passed as a JSON payload to the request() method, along with the necessary headers and API key.

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
payload = json.dumps({
"query": "{\n EVM(dataset: archive) {\n DEXTrades(\n where: {Trade: {Dex: {ProtocolFamily: {is: \"OpenSea\"}}, Buy: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: \"0x322e2741c792c1f2666d159bcc6d3a816f98d954\"}}}}}\n ) {\n Count_NFTS_bought: sum(of: Trade_Buy_Amount)\n }\n }\n}\n",
"variables": "{}"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: "Bearer your_access_token_here",
conn.request("POST", "/graphql", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data =
resp= json.loads( data.decode("utf-8"))

count_nfts_bought = resp['data']['EVM']['DEXTrades'][0]['Count_NFTS_bought']

The code retrieves the count of NFTs bought from the response data and stores it in the count_nfts_bought variable.

Displaying the Metric​

The code then displays the retrieved data in a Streamlit dashboard using the streamlit library. The dashboard includes a title, a header, a metric, a table, and a line chart.

st.title ("NFT Dashboard")
st.header("Punk Evil Rabbit NFT")
st.metric("Count of Punk Evil Rabbit NFTS Bought",count_nfts_bought)

The title() and header() methods are used to display the title and header of the dashboard, respectively. The metric() method is used to display the count of NFTs bought as a metric.

Adding a Table​

This code snippet retrieves the latest DEX trades for a specific NFT token from the Ethereum blockchain using The Graph API, and displays them in a data table using the streamlit library.

payload_table = json.dumps({
"query": "{\n EVM(dataset: archive, network: eth) {\n buyside: DEXTrades(\n limit: {count: 10}\n orderBy: {descending: Block_Time}\n where: {Trade: {Buy: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: \"0x322e2741c792c1f2666d159bcc6d3a816f98d954\"}}}}}\n ) {\n Block {\n Number\n Time\n }\n Transaction {\n From\n To\n Hash\n }\n Trade {\n Buy {\n Amount\n Buyer\n Currency {\n Name\n Symbol\n SmartContract\n }\n Seller\n Price\n }\n Sell {\n Amount\n Buyer\n Currency {\n Name\n SmartContract\n Symbol\n }\n Seller\n Price\n }\n }\n }\n sellside: DEXTrades(\n limit: {count: 10}\n orderBy: {descending: Block_Time}\n where: {Trade: {Buy: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: \"0x322e2741c792c1f2666d159bcc6d3a816f98d954\"}}}}}\n ) {\n Block {\n Number\n Time\n }\n Transaction {\n From\n To\n Hash\n }\n Trade {\n Buy {\n Amount\n Buyer\n Currency {\n Name\n Symbol\n SmartContract\n }\n Seller\n Price\n }\n Sell {\n Amount\n Buyer\n Currency {\n Name\n SmartContract\n Symbol\n }\n Seller\n Price\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"variables": "{}"

conn.request("POST", "/graphql", payload_table, headers)
res1 = conn.getresponse()
data1 =
resp1= json.loads( data1.decode("utf-8"))

st.subheader("Latest DEX Trades")

data_table= resp1['data']['EVM']['buyside']
df = pd.json_normalize(data_table)

Adding a Chart​

The chart section of the code creates a line chart using the streamlit library. The chart displays the number of NFTs bought on a daily basis on the OpenSea protocol on the Ethereum blockchain.

## chart
payload3 = json.dumps({
"query": "{\n EVM(dataset: archive) {\n DEXTrades(\n where: {Trade: {Dex: {ProtocolFamily: {is: \"OpenSea\"}}, Buy: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: \"0x322e2741c792c1f2666d159bcc6d3a816f98d954\"}}}}}\n ) {\n Count_NFTS_bought: sum(of: Trade_Buy_Amount)\n Block {\n Date\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"variables": "{}"

conn.request("POST", "/graphql", payload3, headers)
res3 = conn.getresponse()
data3 =


df_chart = pd.json_normalize(chart_data)
df_chart.columns = ['Count_NFTS_bought', 'Block_Date']
# Convert the 'Count_NFTS_bought' column to integer data type
df_chart['Count_NFTS_bought'] = df_chart['Count_NFTS_bought'].astype(int)
df_chart['Block_Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_chart['Block_Date'])

st.subheader('Daily Metrics')

Here's how it looks finally​

If you want to build up query from scratch you are welcome or you can use the premade examples as well.

Setting Up Subscriptions​

Lastly, we also have the the β€œsubscribe” feature of the dApp. These functions are important as they allow us to continuously update the dApp for our users in real-time whenever a transaction of digital collectibles occurs in the marketplace.