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Calculating Profit or Loss Over Time

This is the first step, where we calculate the Weighted Average of Buy Price(WABP) by getting all the buy trades of the token. For this tutorial, we are getting the PnL of the 0x2107662b0eb1f95a42f47f667c6d4622fe1c9231 address for the following token 0x6982508145454ce325ddbe47a25d4ec3d2311933.

WABP = sum(buyAmount*buyPriceInUSD)/sum(buyAmount)

We get the sell trades for the entire period and multiply the amount of tokens sold with the priceInUSD minus the WABP calculated.

pnl = sum(sellPriceInUSD-WABP)
  1. Import the necessary libraries:
const axios = require('axios');

  1. Create the config object with URL and headers, including your API key:
let data;

let config = {
method: 'post',
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': process.env.AUT_TOKEN
data : data

  1. Make the getWeightedAverage() function to get the Weighted Average for the Buy Price.
const getWeightedAverage = async (token, wallet) => {

  1. Inside the declared function define the data property of object and get the response:
let data = JSON.stringify({
"query": "query MyQuery($token: String = \"\", $wallet: String = \"\") {\n EVM(dataset: combined) {\n DEXTrades(\n where: {Trade: {Buy: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: $token}}, PriceInUSD: {ne: 0}}}, Transaction: {From: {is: $wallet}}}\n ) {\n Trade {\n Buy {\n Amount\n PriceInUSD\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"variables": `{\n \"token\": \"${token}\",\n \"wallet\": \"${wallet}\"\n}`
}); = data;

const response = await axios.request(config);
const buyTrades =;

  1. Declare variables and Traverse the buyTrades array:
let count = 0;
let sum = 0;
for( let i in buyTrades){

  1. Extract the amount and PriceInUSD from the buyTrades:
let amount = parseFloat(buyTrades[i].Trade.Buy.Amount);
let price = buyTrades[i].Trade.Buy.PriceInUSD;

  1. Update the sum and count variables and return the WABP:
sum += amount*price;
count += amount;
return sum/count;
  1. Make the getPnL() function to calculate the PnL for the address and the token.
const getPnL = async (token, wallet) => {


  1. Inside the declared function define the data property of object and get the response:
let data = JSON.stringify({
"query": "query MyQuery($token: String = \"\", $wallet: String = \"\") {\n EVM(dataset: combined) {\n DEXTrades(\n where: {Trade: {Sell: {Currency: {SmartContract: {is: $token}}, PriceInUSD: {ne: 0}}}, Transaction: {From: {is: $wallet}}}\n orderBy: {ascending: Block_Time}\n ) {\n Trade {\n Sell {\n Amount\n PriceInUSD\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"variables": `{\n \"token\": \"${token}\",\n \"wallet\": \"${wallet}\"\n}`
}); = data;

const response = await axios.request(config);
const sellTrades =;

  1. Get the weighted average for the adress and token:
const average = await getWeightedAverage(token, wallet);

  1. Declare variables and Traverse the sellTrades array:
let pnl = 0;

for(let i in sellTrades){


  1. Update the pnl variable:
let amount = parseFloat(sellTrades[i].Trade.Sell.Amount);
let sellPrice = sellTrades[i].Trade.Sell.PriceInUSD;

let margin = amount*(sellPrice-average);
pnl += margin;

  1. Print the pnl:

  1. Run the function inside the JS script:
getPnL("0x6982508145454ce325ddbe47a25d4ec3d2311933", "0x2107662b0eb1f95a42f47f667c6d4622fe1c9231"); // (token address, wallet address)

You can change the token address and wallet address as per your requirements, or even use these functions for creating a pipeline in a bigger application. The realised Profit for this account by trading this token as of 2024-10-21 is around 4 USD.