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Build OHLC Values using DEX Trades Data

This script calculates OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) data for a particular Token Pair Solana-based trades by leveraging percentile filtering thus removing anomaly or bot trades. It fetches trading data from the Bitquery API and processes it to compute the OHLC values for a specific trading pair.

The sole motive of this tutorial is to guide you how an OHLC is calculated and Bot trades or anomaly trades are filtered out. We have shown one of the by using quantile, you can devise your own strategy to use different filters or logics to omit these anomaly trades.

Tutorial Video


  • Fetches the 5th and 95th percentiles of trade prices for a specific Solana trading pair.
  • Filters trades within the percentile price range.
  • Computes and displays OHLC data:
    • Open: The first trade's price.
    • High: The highest trade price.
    • Low: The lowest trade price.
    • Close: The last trade's price.


Make sure you have the following before starting:

  1. Node.js installed on your system.
  2. A Bitquery API token to fetch data from the APIs You can get your API token from Bitquery using these steps here.
  3. Information about the Solana trading pair you want to analyze:
    • Main Currency Address: The mint address of the main currency.
    • Side Currency Address: The mint address of the side currency.
    • Market Pair Address: The address of the trading pair.


  1. Clone this repository and navigate to the project directory:
    git clone
  2. Install the required dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your Bitquery API Token, check the steps to get it here:
AUTH_TOKEN = <YourBitqueryApiToken>


Before running the script, update the following constants in the code (index.js) to match your Solana trading pair details:

const SIDE_CURRENCY_ADDRESS = "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112";
const PAIR_ADDRESS = "Bzc9NZfMqkXR6fz1DBph7BDf9BroyEf6pnzESP7v5iiw";


To calculate OHLC values, run the script:

node index.js

Script Workflow

  1. Fetches the 5th and 95th percentiles of trade prices for the past hour using the Bitquery API.
  2. Retrieves trades that fall within the calculated percentile price range.
  3. Computes the OHLC data based on the filtered trades:
    • Open: The price of the earliest trade.
    • High: The highest trade price.
    • Low: The lowest trade price.
    • Close: The price of the latest trade.
  4. Displays the OHLC values in the console.

Code Overview

1. Fetching Percentiles

The fetchPercentiles function retrieves the 5th and 95th percentiles for the specified trading pair using the Bitquery API.

async function fetchPercentiles() {
const timestamp1Hago = getTimestamp(60);

const percentileData = JSON.stringify({
query: `query ($mainCurrencyAddress: String , $sideCurrencyAddress: String, $pairAddress: String, $timestamp1Hago: DateTime ) {
Solana {
where: {Trade: {Currency: {MintAddress: {is: $mainCurrencyAddress}}, Side: {Currency: {MintAddress: {is: $sideCurrencyAddress}}}, Market: {MarketAddress: {is: $pairAddress}}}, Transaction: {Result: {Success: true}}, Block: {Time: {since: $timestamp1Hago}}}
) {
percentile5th: quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.05)
percentile95th: quantile(of: Trade_PriceInUSD, level: 0.95)
variables: JSON.stringify({
mainCurrencyAddress: MAIN_CURRENCY_ADDRESS,
sideCurrencyAddress: SIDE_CURRENCY_ADDRESS,
pairAddress: PAIR_ADDRESS,

const config = {
method: "post",
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: API_URL,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}`,
data: percentileData,

try {
const response = await axios.request(config);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching percentiles:", error);
throw error;

2. Fetching Trades and Computing OHLC

The fetchTradesAndComputeOHLC function retrieves trades within the specified percentile price range and calculates the OHLC values:

  • Open: The price of the earliest trade.
  • High: The highest trade price.
  • Low: The lowest trade price.
  • Close: The price of the latest trade.
async function fetchTradesAndComputeOHLC(lowerBoundPrice, upperBoundPrice) {
const timestamp1Hago = getTimestamp(60);

const tradeData = JSON.stringify({
query: `query ($mainCurrencyAddress: String , $sideCurrencyAddress: String, $pairAddress: String, $lowerBoundPrice: Float, $upperBoundPrice: Float, $timestamp1Hago: DateTime ) {
Solana {
orderBy: {descending: Block_Time}
where: {Trade: {Currency: {MintAddress: {is: $mainCurrencyAddress}}, Side: {Currency: {MintAddress: {is: $sideCurrencyAddress}}}, Market: {MarketAddress: {is: $pairAddress}}, PriceInUSD: {ge: $lowerBoundPrice, le: $upperBoundPrice}}, Transaction: {Result: {Success: true}}, Block: {Time: {since: $timestamp1Hago}}}
) {
Block {
Trade {
variables: JSON.stringify({
mainCurrencyAddress: MAIN_CURRENCY_ADDRESS,
sideCurrencyAddress: SIDE_CURRENCY_ADDRESS,
pairAddress: PAIR_ADDRESS,

const config = {
method: "post",
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: API_URL,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}`,
data: tradeData,

try {
const response = await axios.request(config);
const trades =;

if (trades.length === 0) {
console.log("No trades found.");

// Compute OHLC
const ohlc = {
open: trades[trades.length - 1].Trade.Price,
high: Math.max( => t.Trade.Price)),
low: Math.min( => t.Trade.Price)),
close: trades[0].Trade.Price,

console.log("OHLC:", ohlc);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching trades:", error);

This function ensures the OHLC values are accurately calculated based on filtered trade data within the provided range.

3. Main Execution

The main function orchestrates the entire process by:

  1. Fetching the 5th and 95th percentiles for the specified trading pair.
  2. Using these percentiles to filter trades within the range.
  3. Computing and displaying the OHLC data.
// Main Function
(async function main() {
try {
const percentiles = await fetchPercentiles();
await fetchTradesAndComputeOHLC(
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in main function:", error);

This function acts as the entry point for the script, coordinating the percentile fetching and OHLC calculation in a seamless workflow.