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Attributes maximum minimum where can be appended to an element in query. They convert the value to the metric, calculated by the following rules:

  • if maximum or minimum is added, then the value of the element corresponds to max / min of the provided argument
  • if where attribute is defined, then the value of element is taken with the provided condition
  • if where attribute is used with any of maximum or minimum, then max / min taken conditionally


Maximum block number:

Number(maximum: Block_Number)

Number of the block with the maximum gas used:

Number(maximum: Block_GasUsed)

Number of the block with the given root hash:

Number(where: {Block: {Root: {is: "..."}}})

Number of the block with the maximum gas used in specific date:

Number(maximum: Block_GasUsed where: {Block: {Date:{is: "2022-01-01"}}})

Use where with some always-true condition (say, ChainId equal 1) to get any value of element


Use Aliases to name the elements if needed