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Realtime Database

Realtime is the default database (if you omit the attribute, then it is used). The realtime database contains data from the past 48 hours, but with a limitation. When querying realtime data using the Streaming APIs, you will only receive data that is not in the archive dataset. For example, if the latest block in the archive is 2 hours old, you will only receive data that is more recent than this block.

The main cases when it is used is for:

  • subscriptions, where realtime dataset is a source of the new updates
  • query the latest data available with minimum delay (up to the current block)

Note that the last blocks in the real time database are not finalized and may be not later recorded to the archive data. Select Block attribute controls how you can query the trunk or branch block updates in real time database.


Realtime Database features:

  • contains the latest data available (up to the last second);
  • includes all blocks, including trunk, branches. Some of these blocks can be removed when archived. Use Select Block attribute for better control;
  • fast to query :::

Also Check Archive and Combined dataset.