Manage Account
To view your account details, you can go to Account, in this dashboard you will see the following
In this section you can see your account information.
- Your period details
- Your profile description
- Edit your account, delete it and change password or email address
Here you can see all the messages sent to you by the system.
- It indicates the status of your plan
- If you have used up your points
- Among others
This section will show you everything about your payments.
- Table with your payments
API Usage
Here you can see some metrics about your queries, in a 24 hours time span and counting all the time as well.
- Total API calls
- Total successful calls
- Total calls with errors
- The points you have consumed
IP's and referrers
Here you can see details in a table of the IP's from which API calls have been made as well as the referrers.
- Most popular IP's
- Most popular referrers
In this section you will see everything related to the errors you have had when calling the API.
- Total errors
- Total errors in the last 24 hours
- Last Errors: A table showing the errors returned by your last queries.
System Status
Here you will see the status of all the blockchains supported by Bitquery, if you think there is a delay or error, you can check it there.